Sound Check spoke with Claude Agius better known as Il-Lapes on the work on his new album and his voice on social issues.
Il-Lapes has become synonymous with Maltese Hip Hop. In the early days with No Bling Show, following with the combat sounds of Marmalja and in the last years as a solo artist.
Sound Check: What lessons have you learnt through your vast experience?

Il-Lapes: I learned a lot of valuable lessons through my journey at this point. I think the most important is to be myself and present my honest opinion always.
Sound Check: Your rhymes are taking a more activist tone. You talk on issues that include abuse of power, corruption, money laundering. Doesn't this limit your audiences knowing how Malta is politically close-minded?
Il-Lapes: First of all I speak on everything regarding social issues not only politics. What I say is based on whatever I see and feel not on what colour is the government. I`ve been rapping under both and whoever has followed me from when I was 17 till now knows that I don`t favour anybody.
Sound Check: A new album is on the way...What should we expect?
Il-Lapes: Yes, finally. Expect the unexpected that`s all I cans say.

Sound Check: Hooli, recently suggested that Maltese MCs should unite in a unique collaboration. Your name was amongst those tagged in his post. What's your say on this?.
Il-Lapes: I believe in unity and it`s great. The scene has gotten bigger and we have a huge following now. People though also love competition and controversy and I think we should keep rap in the conversation by being less sensitive and keep people excited about what`s coming next as well.
Thank you Lapes for your rhymes.